OK so I will be the first to say each to their own and I would never push my views on anybody but my ride today was a strange one that made me push myself to an amazing 21.7km.....not a huge journey for some, but a major achievement for me :o)
The best news for me right now is hubby is off the night shift thank goodness and its back to some sort of normality, therefore I am back to slimming world this week and back on track with my cycling! I havent lost any weight over the last 3 weeks but a major bonus is I have maintained..since I have been juggling a two man job while hubby has been working I am ashamed to say I havent been very good at my eating :-s On the positive though I have been staying in regular contact with my slimming world consultant and it has kept me from going off the rails totally which is an achievement for me as the old Alex would have taken every excuse to slip off track and return to all my bad habits....but not this time!!!
OK so not quite Twiggy yet...but getting there :-) |
So..back onto the cycling....when hubby came in from work I was all ready and unbelievably I was rareing to go!!! I got on the bike and set off and to be honest I felt great! I did my normal route although I am planning to diversify a bit in the future as I dont want to get bored! I can't stress how strong I felt and how I actually felt like a cyclist and not just a fat girl on a bike! The weather was fantastic and I enjoyed the sunshine, the peace from the kids and the sound of the birds singing their songs...it was beautiful! I have my ipod on my arm for company with random songs ranging all the way from West End musicals to happy hardcore from when I was 18 :-) I find that songs bring back memories from various parts of my life, mainly good ones :-)
So as I was riding along today I felt really good, my speed was good too, I managed the first 10km in approx 40 mins which for me is very good! All along my journey though I felt like someone was riding behind me and at various points the urge to turnaround was so powerful yet no one was there, I even heard twigs snapping behind me but no one was there! Further along my route I passed a lady who distinctly looked like my late Little Grandma....she was mildly thinner in the face but a strange and eerie likeness that made me smile :-) I carried on riding in the comfort that she would have been very proud of me setting out to achieve something of this magnitude and the positive effects it will have on me as a person!
I was coming up to the point that I previouslt gone as far as and I was debating whether to turn around or carry on then a strange thing happened and the song on my ipod started.......
Best I can do taking a picture of myself whilst riding lol |
It was weird because for some reason this song has been going round and round in my head for weeks, every day I have been singing the lyrics in my head every time I have been on my own and I have been unable to figure out why but it seemed apt that at this indecisive moment this song should come on and give me such an urge to push on and discover undiscovered territory.......OK for you sceptical people it was just coincidence...but for me today I believe it was my mum showing me it was OK to push myself and that she was behind me all the way.....I believe it was a song of comfort yet a song of YOU CAN DO THIS!! :-))
I didnt go much further......only to the top of the next hill....yet over the hill I could see more paths to continue on but as I had done so much more and in a far quicker time I decided to turn around, athough I am eager to see what awaits me over that hill the next time :-)))) I am glad I pushed on that much further....whether it was my mum, my angels, some higher power or pure coincidence I am still glad.
Amazing scenery on a glorious day |
On my way back it is always so much fun as it is on a mild slope downwards to I dont need to pedal hard to enjoy the speed and freedom whilst looking at the fantastic scenery that I am very lucky to live within and be proud of. In fact I had a bit of fun with camera and ot some dodgy pics while cycling, only stopping briefly to pick up my camera case ...oopsie :-s
Brief stop to retrive my camera case :-/ |
The only thing about the glorious sunshine is the fact there I more flies than normal...I think I inhaled and swallowed a number of the poor critters....oh well hopefully they are full of vitamins...

I carried on home and as I knew my dreaded V hills were beckoning I decided to carry on with my adventuring streak and take a detour, I popped out in a picnic area after climbing a mild hill, much to my dissapointment but at least I had the positive of downhill back again and the knowledge of what lay up that secret pathway every time I pass it in the future.
As I was approaching home I looked at the clock only 4.45pm I was really impressed and thought wow I can stay out to play a bit longer but then it dawned on me that the clocks had gone forward at the weekend and I though :-O I better get back because I still had the children to sort out, feed and get ready for bed......so reluctantly I headed home to meet them at football.
My total Journey today was 21.7 km...a great add to my rides and I am extremely pleased.....onwards and upwards!!!!
Oh and I forgot to mention the little boy whoI had never met before, aged about 2/3 who waved at me on the way home....felt like I had met him before yet never seen him before in my life........Strange lol!