17 years ago... in one silly moment - in a moment of 'fun and frivolity'.. oh OK - alchol was involved, I did something REALLY stupid that I'm still paying the price for!!
I was at a party in a pub in Nether Wasdale following a Lake District Show - we all got talking and about the day.. the fell race... the Cumberland Wrestling .. and wasn't it unfair that only men did it!! Egged on by several male friends (??!!!) Megan and I decided to give it a go.. Megan is quite petite and when I went to fall on her I decided in a split second I might hurt her and twisted to one side - well my knee did .. but my foot didn't!! My knee swelled up like a balloon and I was carried to hospital the next day ... after spending a very long night in a tent listening to a sheep eating grass - very loudly!! I had torn my cruciate ligament and ripped the cartillage.. it took months to get an appointment for an operation ... and then it didn't work properly and I had to have a further one .. The result still wasn't brilliant (could never ski or anything that involved twisting or high impact).. and every step I take I can feel and have to think about.. but it was something I learnt to live with and adapt to.
That apparently is half my problem - I have adapted to the injury by using the outer muscle in my thigh and the inner muscle is very weak.. so my knee gave in a couple of weeks ago at the bike maintenance course..
The outcome was that I had over 2 weeks of not doing anything and have been totally frustrated!! I had hoped to get out walking and cycling over Easter, the weather was great for it too.. but I couldn't do anything - still gave me the opportunity to make curtains for my daughter's new house!!
On my return I went to see Lyndsey Regan-Anderson at Atlas Physiotherapy .. she also teaches at DW Fitness and has been helping me organising events for my fund raising - I also go to her Pilates classes. So she assessed my knee and told me that I can only go to the gym alternate nights and do 30 mins on a fixed bike with no resistance.. and gave me some very simple exercises to improve my flexibility - she also strapped my knee cap over a bit to see if it helped .. it did :-)
So I was totally flat and frustrated when I left - I know it's not until next year that I really need to train properly.. but I was getting reasonably fit and loved being out on my bike and doing more and more... now I can't do anything!! Still I guess I just have to put my head down and get on with it and concentrate on the fund raising and my event on 5th May!!
I did go on the bike last night and did 12.5km (in half an hour) - I was a bit nervous at first .. but was alot more confident by the end ... and my knee seemed to be more flexible!
Lyndsey has said I can go to Pilates - got one booked for thursday.. going to see if I can get in tomorrow night.. and will definately be back on the bike tomorrow too - even if it is just in the gym!!
This is an 'adventure'... a 'once in a lifetime' trip.. it will be a challenge and an amazing experience.. It will provide incredible memories and bring together two people from different generations with different life experiences on a journey together... because of one person they both loved - 'Trudy' ... this trip will be our tribute to her, whislt at the same time raise funds to help others who sadly find themselves in a similar situation..
The Epic Begins....
Alex and I will be partaking in a 'Women v Cancer' cycle ride - a mere 400km across Cuba. The funds raised will be divided equally between: Breast Cancer Care, Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust and Ovarian Cancer Action.. some money will also be donated to help women fight cancer in Cuba....
So NOW all we need to do is ... get fit ... and raise £3,000 each.... Oh yes, and Alex will be losing weight too :-)
So NOW all we need to do is ... get fit ... and raise £3,000 each.... Oh yes, and Alex will be losing weight too :-)
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Rain, Rain and more RAIN! a small update ...
OK, so its been a bit quiet, no post and no riding :-s not good!! Especially since I need to test my newly changed tyre ;-) Oh well, the weather has been pants, I have had poorly children, hubbys motorbike is broken and his snooker has taken off again!!
OK, so there is a bonus to hubbys bike broken and that is that I have to get off my bum walking the kids to school and back and to work and back, a decent distance everyday and certainly more than the reccomended 10,000 steps lol. So I havent been inactive I just dont have many stories!! I don't even want to think about the motorbike bill since we have already tried £50 worth of stuff.......so watch this space.....I want my car back!! I haven't even been able to get my bike to the bike shop to fix my gears!!
On a HUGE plus, two newspaper reporters have got back to me about writing a story in the North East on Jean and I's journey, so hopefully it will all be positive and this time they might get my age right!! The event I am planning is coming along nicely and I have quite a number of raffle prizes :-D I have 45 reserved tickets I just need the pennies to start rolling in ;-)
So even though I havent been out on my bike, I have been continuing on my journey! and long may it continue............
OK, so there is a bonus to hubbys bike broken and that is that I have to get off my bum walking the kids to school and back and to work and back, a decent distance everyday and certainly more than the reccomended 10,000 steps lol. So I havent been inactive I just dont have many stories!! I don't even want to think about the motorbike bill since we have already tried £50 worth of stuff.......so watch this space.....I want my car back!! I haven't even been able to get my bike to the bike shop to fix my gears!!
On a HUGE plus, two newspaper reporters have got back to me about writing a story in the North East on Jean and I's journey, so hopefully it will all be positive and this time they might get my age right!! The event I am planning is coming along nicely and I have quite a number of raffle prizes :-D I have 45 reserved tickets I just need the pennies to start rolling in ;-)
So even though I havent been out on my bike, I have been continuing on my journey! and long may it continue............
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Bike maintenance is the name of the game this week!!!
I (like Alex) decided I really should learn how to fix a bit about bike maintenance - just in case I got a puncture.. although I have been cycling for over a year (generally on my own and in remote places!!!)... Lady Luck has been smiling on me I think :-). I did learn how to take my wheels off (so I could get the bike in my Fiat 500) by watching YouTube .. but I wanted a more 'hands on' experience.
So I booked an evening course at The Greystoke Cycle Cafe (2.5 hrs.. although we were there over 3hrs for £24) - well worth it!!
Just looked on their photo albums and much to my dismay found 4 photos of me - talking in each one and with a dark patch on my top where I'd spilt my tea and washed it off so as not to get a stain!!! Oh dear..
The guy who took it (Steve Woods) was really informative and could answer anything and everything we asked... I was amazed how badly people maintain (or don't) their bikes... I didn't feel alone!! One of the bike's rear brake wasn't even connected - much to the amusement of the lady in the picture (it was her son's bike!). There were a huge array of bikes there - from a mountain bike with disc brakes to a very old bike with no gears, no quick release wheels... and very little tread on the tyres! We worked in pairs and managed to remove the wheels and change the inners, check pressures of tyres, check wear of chains and a bit about indexing.
Steve used my bike for demonstration purposes, he told us all about Presta & Schrader valves - he thought at first mine was a Schrader valve with a cap on it till he removed it and discovered it was a Woods Valve with a spring loaded valve... that went flying across the room at great force!! They're not often seen in this country but used in countries like Finland and Holland... which could explain things as the place I bought my bike at is run by a Dutch family. Only trouble with this was I didn't have my pump with me and we discovered that a Track Pump (which is great about £20, easy to use and shows the exact pressure of the tyre) would not work on my Woods Valve!!!! Steve wouldn't let me go home with a flat tyre.. so gave me a new inner too.. Not his night actually as he discovered another girl had a thorn in her mountain bike tyre (which he removed) .. this was blocking up the hole and her tyre then developed a slow puncture... so he gave her a new inner too!!
The really strange thing about the evening though was that Steve was just back from Cuba!!! He lives over there in the Winter and takes people on Adventure Holidays - amazing coincidence! He told me about a place in Trinidad (Cuba) called 'The Steps' or 'The Stairs' where there is amazing music and that nearby is a club called 'Caves'.. which literally is a labyrinth of underground caves! His bike trips sound amazing and are based on a historical tour of the South of the Island... may have to look it up if I stay over there longer than the week... although somehow I don't another cycling trip will be foremost on my mind!! He did put my mind at ease about snakes though.. I had a fear of them whilst cycling through the Sugar Fields.. I kept thinking I'd ride over one and get it stuck in my spokes!! Yuk!! He assured me that the only snakes over there are Boa Constrictors (very reassuring!!) but apparently they rely on vibrations to know something is coming to pounce on and squash.. but they would also know that we were not what they were looking for (on bikes) and head in the opposite direction as fast as they could!! Phew!!
The thing that wasn't so good about the night was that I did something very strange to my knee (I've had 2 operations on it about 15 years ago for torn anterior cruciate ligament and cartilage) - I'd never quite experienced such a strange feeling with it.. and all I did was stand up!! It was really grinding and a sort of gruanchy feeling inside .. next day it was swollen and painful - this got worse by Friday and was like a balloon!!
So my Easter Holidays (which were meant to be 50% helping Lisa with her new house and seeing Jonas) and 50% cycling, walking etc, ended up being 100% decorating, cleaning, (seeing beautiful baby Jonas) and making curtains!! So, so frustrating... the weather was perfect for getting out on my bike - and I haven't dared book any classes at the gym!!!! What I have done though is make an appointment with a Sports Physiotherapist for a full asssessment next friday - she teaches Pilates at DW Fitness and has been helping me sort my events there. I figure it's better getting it sorted this year rather than next!! The assessment only costs £37 for 40 minutes - if I can come out of it with a way forward I'll be happy.. and be money well spent :-)
Finally yesterday.. a very sad day - couldn't help think about Trudy all day and how much I really miss her.. I ended up taking some tulips to her grave and sat there on the grass talking to her.. hard to believe she's been gone for 2 years now - she'll always live on in my heart ..
I raised a glass of red wine to her last night it seemed a fitting tribute (and one I did last year too) - Cheers Trudy...
So I booked an evening course at The Greystoke Cycle Cafe (2.5 hrs.. although we were there over 3hrs for £24) - well worth it!!
Just looked on their photo albums and much to my dismay found 4 photos of me - talking in each one and with a dark patch on my top where I'd spilt my tea and washed it off so as not to get a stain!!! Oh dear..
The guy who took it (Steve Woods) was really informative and could answer anything and everything we asked... I was amazed how badly people maintain (or don't) their bikes... I didn't feel alone!! One of the bike's rear brake wasn't even connected - much to the amusement of the lady in the picture (it was her son's bike!). There were a huge array of bikes there - from a mountain bike with disc brakes to a very old bike with no gears, no quick release wheels... and very little tread on the tyres! We worked in pairs and managed to remove the wheels and change the inners, check pressures of tyres, check wear of chains and a bit about indexing.
Steve used my bike for demonstration purposes, he told us all about Presta & Schrader valves - he thought at first mine was a Schrader valve with a cap on it till he removed it and discovered it was a Woods Valve with a spring loaded valve... that went flying across the room at great force!! They're not often seen in this country but used in countries like Finland and Holland... which could explain things as the place I bought my bike at is run by a Dutch family. Only trouble with this was I didn't have my pump with me and we discovered that a Track Pump (which is great about £20, easy to use and shows the exact pressure of the tyre) would not work on my Woods Valve!!!! Steve wouldn't let me go home with a flat tyre.. so gave me a new inner too.. Not his night actually as he discovered another girl had a thorn in her mountain bike tyre (which he removed) .. this was blocking up the hole and her tyre then developed a slow puncture... so he gave her a new inner too!!
The really strange thing about the evening though was that Steve was just back from Cuba!!! He lives over there in the Winter and takes people on Adventure Holidays - amazing coincidence! He told me about a place in Trinidad (Cuba) called 'The Steps' or 'The Stairs' where there is amazing music and that nearby is a club called 'Caves'.. which literally is a labyrinth of underground caves! His bike trips sound amazing and are based on a historical tour of the South of the Island... may have to look it up if I stay over there longer than the week... although somehow I don't another cycling trip will be foremost on my mind!! He did put my mind at ease about snakes though.. I had a fear of them whilst cycling through the Sugar Fields.. I kept thinking I'd ride over one and get it stuck in my spokes!! Yuk!! He assured me that the only snakes over there are Boa Constrictors (very reassuring!!) but apparently they rely on vibrations to know something is coming to pounce on and squash.. but they would also know that we were not what they were looking for (on bikes) and head in the opposite direction as fast as they could!! Phew!!
The thing that wasn't so good about the night was that I did something very strange to my knee (I've had 2 operations on it about 15 years ago for torn anterior cruciate ligament and cartilage) - I'd never quite experienced such a strange feeling with it.. and all I did was stand up!! It was really grinding and a sort of gruanchy feeling inside .. next day it was swollen and painful - this got worse by Friday and was like a balloon!!
So my Easter Holidays (which were meant to be 50% helping Lisa with her new house and seeing Jonas) and 50% cycling, walking etc, ended up being 100% decorating, cleaning, (seeing beautiful baby Jonas) and making curtains!! So, so frustrating... the weather was perfect for getting out on my bike - and I haven't dared book any classes at the gym!!!! What I have done though is make an appointment with a Sports Physiotherapist for a full asssessment next friday - she teaches Pilates at DW Fitness and has been helping me sort my events there. I figure it's better getting it sorted this year rather than next!! The assessment only costs £37 for 40 minutes - if I can come out of it with a way forward I'll be happy.. and be money well spent :-)
Finally yesterday.. a very sad day - couldn't help think about Trudy all day and how much I really miss her.. I ended up taking some tulips to her grave and sat there on the grass talking to her.. hard to believe she's been gone for 2 years now - she'll always live on in my heart ..
I raised a glass of red wine to her last night it seemed a fitting tribute (and one I did last year too) - Cheers Trudy...
Another anniversary, love you mum xx
Ok so what do you say, yesterday was another year dissintegrated and another year gone. It was 2 years since my mums passing, no easier than the first or the day she finally lost the fight. I have shed many a tear in the last few days and I am sure I still will as her birthday would have been the 18th April too. :-( I know life goes on and mum would be happy with the path I have chosen I just wish heaven had a phone so we could have a chat :-)
This morning I went for my bike maintainance lesson at directcarparts.co.uk and to be honest I dont think poor Lewis knew I was a dumb blond when I started, OK a dumb blond with a degree in business and a diploma in wedding planning and event management , but seriously as far as mechanical stuff is concerned I am filedin the cabinet under B for blonde! He really tried very hard and I ummed and ahhed hoping I had a clue.....wish I thought about bringing my bike, but unfortunatly Simon had rode in on his which became a victim of my lesson, I am sorry and I hope it was fixed for hometime ;-)
Simon was also kind enough to put up a poster for my upcoming event and he let me have an inner tube for me to put in my backpack (hopefully will be never needed :-)) and a nice pair of fleecy wind/chill proof gloves......no more frostbite fingers I hope :-))) fingers crossed!!
I came home with a lot more condfidence, I went into the garage and believe it or not fixed the brakes on my old bike which is currently on e-bay, I was extremely impressed I had come away with such an understanding and was really pleased an early morning had been so successfully filled.....Get Well Soon Lewis who bless him even though he felt poorly had made it in to help me :-)
I successfully managed to put my front wheel back the right way round and then took the back wheel off to fake a tyre change. I managed to take the wheel off and deconstruct the tyre easily....it took me way more time to get it back together, but I did it, yes thats right I CHANGED IT ALL ON MY OWN! OK, so i'm excited but i have tried many times over the years and I have NEVER been able to do it!! I can now!!
So I know now even if I am many miles away from home it doesnt matter....it might take me an hour to change it, but I can change it :-) I really appreciate the help!!! Thank you www.directcarparts.co.uk :-)
Evidence I did it at home! |
My back wheel too :-)! |
back in one piece, OH YEAH!! |
Simon was also kind enough to put up a poster for my upcoming event and he let me have an inner tube for me to put in my backpack (hopefully will be never needed :-)) and a nice pair of fleecy wind/chill proof gloves......no more frostbite fingers I hope :-))) fingers crossed!!
I came home with a lot more condfidence, I went into the garage and believe it or not fixed the brakes on my old bike which is currently on e-bay, I was extremely impressed I had come away with such an understanding and was really pleased an early morning had been so successfully filled.....Get Well Soon Lewis who bless him even though he felt poorly had made it in to help me :-)
I successfully managed to put my front wheel back the right way round and then took the back wheel off to fake a tyre change. I managed to take the wheel off and deconstruct the tyre easily....it took me way more time to get it back together, but I did it, yes thats right I CHANGED IT ALL ON MY OWN! OK, so i'm excited but i have tried many times over the years and I have NEVER been able to do it!! I can now!!
Thursday, 12 April 2012
14.9km getting worse yet better!
The title may sound strange but exactly describes my cycling! I got up early this morning in a slight a bad mood with hubby :-/ (he says I spend too much time on the computer...to be fair he is probably right!) and decided I was going to cycle as far away from home as my little legs would carry me.
It started off well and I had wrapped up with loads off layers since it was only 8.30am and it was raining :-s but still I went and surely that is worth brownie points! I enjoyed the first bit, adrenaline probably factored in too due my upset, but soon that turned to tears of real upset as being on my own always makes me think about things and a realisation that 2 years ago today I spoke to my mum properly for the very last time......ever!
Saturday will be 2 years to the day since she passed away and it hurts the same now as it did then. I thought about my hubby and how you never know what life is going to deal you, life is too short for anger and holding a grudge so I stopped my bike got my phone out and phoned hubby to say sorry.
I was at about 7km from home along the Brandon/Bishop Aukland route.......and it made me think more about how sad in myself I am actually feeling.......I am upset at what is happening to my body and there is nothing I can do about it......not that many of my friends read this, and to be honest its not like I got anything to hide.....at the ripe old age of 32 I am going through the early menopause :-( Its not like I wanted more kids or anything but it still hurts to think my body is a dud and I am going through things that a 50 year old women should be going through really makes me feel like crap and there isn't a damn thing I can do about it!! :-(( That doubled with the anniversary of my mum, is making me feel pretty pants!
I kept riding a bit further and the more my mind was running riot the more I felt like all I wanted was a cuddle from hubby and to be sat at home where I could no longer think about all the sad things.....I am too busy for that!! Why am I blogging it..who knows...........back to the ride.
So, as you've gathered 14.9 km is worse than the distances I have previously completed which to be honest isn't very good, yet I think the hills on the route I took today were way steeper and I am proud to say I managed all of them except one on the way back at broompark picnic area and even then I got halfway up which on the first ride I ever did was an impossibility so it means I am getting better albeit slowly :-)
I have decided that I need to get some better shoes for cycling, because my feet were wet and some long fingered cycling gloves because my fingers were in pain! I have decided I also need a cycling buddy for the odd occassion because I think too much lol. I think a buddy would help me to increase my speed and distance because sometimes I go into my own world and forget what I am actually supposed to be doing :-/
I think thats enough of my sorry state today at least I went out and I wasnt in as much pain as Tuesday.............onwards and upwards as they say xx Love you Mum xx
It started off well and I had wrapped up with loads off layers since it was only 8.30am and it was raining :-s but still I went and surely that is worth brownie points! I enjoyed the first bit, adrenaline probably factored in too due my upset, but soon that turned to tears of real upset as being on my own always makes me think about things and a realisation that 2 years ago today I spoke to my mum properly for the very last time......ever!
Saturday will be 2 years to the day since she passed away and it hurts the same now as it did then. I thought about my hubby and how you never know what life is going to deal you, life is too short for anger and holding a grudge so I stopped my bike got my phone out and phoned hubby to say sorry.
I was at about 7km from home along the Brandon/Bishop Aukland route.......and it made me think more about how sad in myself I am actually feeling.......I am upset at what is happening to my body and there is nothing I can do about it......not that many of my friends read this, and to be honest its not like I got anything to hide.....at the ripe old age of 32 I am going through the early menopause :-( Its not like I wanted more kids or anything but it still hurts to think my body is a dud and I am going through things that a 50 year old women should be going through really makes me feel like crap and there isn't a damn thing I can do about it!! :-(( That doubled with the anniversary of my mum, is making me feel pretty pants!
I kept riding a bit further and the more my mind was running riot the more I felt like all I wanted was a cuddle from hubby and to be sat at home where I could no longer think about all the sad things.....I am too busy for that!! Why am I blogging it..who knows...........back to the ride.
So, as you've gathered 14.9 km is worse than the distances I have previously completed which to be honest isn't very good, yet I think the hills on the route I took today were way steeper and I am proud to say I managed all of them except one on the way back at broompark picnic area and even then I got halfway up which on the first ride I ever did was an impossibility so it means I am getting better albeit slowly :-)
I have decided that I need to get some better shoes for cycling, because my feet were wet and some long fingered cycling gloves because my fingers were in pain! I have decided I also need a cycling buddy for the odd occassion because I think too much lol. I think a buddy would help me to increase my speed and distance because sometimes I go into my own world and forget what I am actually supposed to be doing :-/
I think thats enough of my sorry state today at least I went out and I wasnt in as much pain as Tuesday.............onwards and upwards as they say xx Love you Mum xx
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Only 17.3km........
Well what can I say, went out on the bike again this morning and I was in pain from minute to end, if it wasn't one thing it was another! OK so I didnt quite rack up 30km but due to the head on wind it certainly was as tiring!
As soon as I set off I wished I had more clothes on I had totally understimated the chill factor of the wind, the bike said 9 degrees but my fingers said -2!! I nearly turned back but I knew if I did I would want to stay at home, so I carried on. My bum was a bit saddle sore from Sundays ride and accompanied by the large bruise I achieved from falling flat on my bum in the garden on Saturday I dont think that was helping me much. My legs felt so tired and crampy and my knee was giving me pain too........not good, but I know that setting off is the hardest bit and I thought I would soon warm-up and find it easier...I was wrong!
Even by the time I had clocked up 7km I was still struggling and I just felt like I wanted to break down in tears :-( The wind was strong and biting making it very hard work to continue on, I wanted to turn around a number of times and by the time I reached Langley Park I gave in to the urge and turned around. I decided if when I was closer to home things felt a bit better I would just push on towards Esh Winning and rack up some more km that way, but in all honesty it didnt really get better and even my speed didnt increase toward home like normal because the wind was against me again?!
The tracks were wet too which wasnt helping, muddy terrain makes pedalling twice as tough, well actually nearly impossible.........but nonetheless I am happy that I managed to do 17.3km especially since I could have given in alot sooner. I think some new tunes on my Ipod might be needed to give me some better music to build my pace up a bit, boy I love my musicals but not sure they give me the beat I need and I think Happy Hardcore might kill me :-)
I am seeing positive changes in my body though since I have been cycling, my legs are becoming more defined and a few of my flabby bits are toning up lmao......sorry, just being honest though.....I hope the fact I've done 43 km this week (so far with Thursday to go!) will show on the scales on Thursday night :-) I certainly can "feel" changes so I will have to see what the scales say...... I know muscle weighs more than fat so if I dont lose I know its because I am building muscle, but the amount I still have to lose I am sure I might be able to squeeze a pound or two off!! Fingers crossed x
Regardless, the fact I am getting of my bottom really is helping me feel good about myself and I know at the minute this challenge seems a long way off and a distant prospect but I know I need to keep going...........and never give in :-)
As soon as I set off I wished I had more clothes on I had totally understimated the chill factor of the wind, the bike said 9 degrees but my fingers said -2!! I nearly turned back but I knew if I did I would want to stay at home, so I carried on. My bum was a bit saddle sore from Sundays ride and accompanied by the large bruise I achieved from falling flat on my bum in the garden on Saturday I dont think that was helping me much. My legs felt so tired and crampy and my knee was giving me pain too........not good, but I know that setting off is the hardest bit and I thought I would soon warm-up and find it easier...I was wrong!
Even by the time I had clocked up 7km I was still struggling and I just felt like I wanted to break down in tears :-( The wind was strong and biting making it very hard work to continue on, I wanted to turn around a number of times and by the time I reached Langley Park I gave in to the urge and turned around. I decided if when I was closer to home things felt a bit better I would just push on towards Esh Winning and rack up some more km that way, but in all honesty it didnt really get better and even my speed didnt increase toward home like normal because the wind was against me again?!
The tracks were wet too which wasnt helping, muddy terrain makes pedalling twice as tough, well actually nearly impossible.........but nonetheless I am happy that I managed to do 17.3km especially since I could have given in alot sooner. I think some new tunes on my Ipod might be needed to give me some better music to build my pace up a bit, boy I love my musicals but not sure they give me the beat I need and I think Happy Hardcore might kill me :-)
I am seeing positive changes in my body though since I have been cycling, my legs are becoming more defined and a few of my flabby bits are toning up lmao......sorry, just being honest though.....I hope the fact I've done 43 km this week (so far with Thursday to go!) will show on the scales on Thursday night :-) I certainly can "feel" changes so I will have to see what the scales say...... I know muscle weighs more than fat so if I dont lose I know its because I am building muscle, but the amount I still have to lose I am sure I might be able to squeeze a pound or two off!! Fingers crossed x
Regardless, the fact I am getting of my bottom really is helping me feel good about myself and I know at the minute this challenge seems a long way off and a distant prospect but I know I need to keep going...........and never give in :-)
Sunday, 8 April 2012
A Magpie ride..........
Ok so its always hard when you have fallen off training and dieting to get back on, usually as far as the diet bit goes I never get back on until the next fad or New Years resolution and my wieght has been like a yo-yo for years but ever increasing.........not this time, I decided that I have far to many people to let down after getting raffle donations, sponsorship and so far raising a whopping £1055 its too late for giving in unless my leg falls off!!
Anyway hubby came home from the Easter Egg Ride today (about 500 bikers ride in covoy to deliver donations of eggs to children in hospitals and childrens homes) and he said ok so are you off out on your bike then? Every ounce of me said no no no...........and I knew I had to so reluctantly I said yes and dragged the bike out...It was cold, dull and miserable which made the ride even more of a bind today, I really didn't want to do it and I was so tempted to turn back over and over, but I didn't!! I was lonely too after riding with Jean on my birthday I didn't realise how much easier cycling is when there is more than one person and how chatting away the miles makes it so much more fun!! Regardless this training isn't going to do itself and sitting at home thinking about it is not going to help me achieve my goals. I rode down to Broompark picninc area, the wind was against me and it made for really tough riding, I decided to take the one route from there that I was yet to take thinking if I spiced up the ride a bit I would maybe enjoy it more........a solitary magpie was sat in the path and if your'e superstitious you know this means sorrow unless you say "morning mr magpie hows your wife and family" so I chanted in my head and continued.........anyway further along the route I suddenly realised I was on the Lanchester route again, I had just joined at a different place, I was slightly miffed it wasnt somewhere new but carried on regardless in the knowledge that it wasnt a bad route and usually there was plenty of people along it..........another solitary magpie so I had to repeat the rhyme and another, and another.........grr I felt like riding with my eyes shut cos this was certainly not helping my will to carry on.........anyway I pushed on and finally reached the point I had turned around at last time so I decided I could only benefit by pushing on a bit more.......I wanted to reach 15km so I carried on and when it clocked 15 I decided to carry on a little more.......but then there was a strange man behind me on the paths and decided that I would turn around and cycle fiercly past him and towards home again...........
For some reason cycling home I seem to be able to clock up kms faster, is it because in my head I'm going home? is it because home is on a slight down incline? or is it because I have broken through my "wall"? I really dont know but going home is always less of an effort! As the kms were clocking up and I knew I was nearly home the ride really did get tough my legs were aching and fatigue was setting in, I knew I was nearly home and guess what.........two magpies were sat on the path in front of me, two for joy :-) it was as if the magpies knew how I was feeling, made me smile and gave me the last push for home clocking up 30.8 kms in a not too shoddy 2 hrs 20 mins and 53 secs..........ok, so it doesn't break any land speed records but still an achievement for me none the less!!
After sorting the kids out I ran a nice luxurious bubble bath to soak my aching limbs in and felt much better :-) Happy that I pushed myself to do it, but I think I will hold at 30km for while until I feel more comfortable on that last stretch because I certainly struggled on today...............however 30km is the first day of Cuba achieved :-)
This is the design of the poster for my upcoming charity medium event :-) Thanks to Sandhy once again x
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OK its not a magpie but this cheeky peacock was sat on my lawn when I got home! |
For some reason cycling home I seem to be able to clock up kms faster, is it because in my head I'm going home? is it because home is on a slight down incline? or is it because I have broken through my "wall"? I really dont know but going home is always less of an effort! As the kms were clocking up and I knew I was nearly home the ride really did get tough my legs were aching and fatigue was setting in, I knew I was nearly home and guess what.........two magpies were sat on the path in front of me, two for joy :-) it was as if the magpies knew how I was feeling, made me smile and gave me the last push for home clocking up 30.8 kms in a not too shoddy 2 hrs 20 mins and 53 secs..........ok, so it doesn't break any land speed records but still an achievement for me none the less!!
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I really looked forward to this!!! I am sooooo Lucky! |

14th June 2012 Keep the date in your diary!!
I am still alive lol x
Its just a quick post to let you know I am still alive since I havent posted for a while! I have to admit I havent been out on the bike since my birthday and the weight loss has been nil. But today I am back onto both. The diet commences once again and when hubby comes back from doing the Easter Egg Run on his bike I will be going out on mine! I have been doing some fundraising efforts though and have managed to secure 2 £120 vouchers for Steven Landles photography in Durham, a £70 voucher for paintballing, a designer chiffon maxi dress, a driving lesson, a bottle of whisky, 2 bottles of wine and some thorntons chocolates. The event isnt until 14 June so I still have plenty of time to get more :0)
I have got the printer ink ready for the final design of my posters too, I am just waiting for some photo's of the medium and I will be ready to start selling tickets!!
Anyway I dont have much else to write today, but I will keep blogging as soon as I have something interesting to say :0)
I have got the printer ink ready for the final design of my posters too, I am just waiting for some photo's of the medium and I will be ready to start selling tickets!!
Anyway I dont have much else to write today, but I will keep blogging as soon as I have something interesting to say :0)
Sunday, 1 April 2012
A bike ride with the 'Birthday Girl'
Today would be the first time I would see Alex since we'd signed up for the Cuba Ride and fitting that it was her birthday.. and her twin children's too!!
Seems a long time since I heard that Trudy had had Alex.. well it was - 32 years!!! She was a tiny little scrap - born 8 weeks and 4 days early - funny but there never seemed any doubt she'd survive .. she was a survivor from day one.. with the most amazing, beautiful blue eyes - just like her Mum.
Seems a long time since I heard that Trudy had had Alex.. well it was - 32 years!!! She was a tiny little scrap - born 8 weeks and 4 days early - funny but there never seemed any doubt she'd survive .. she was a survivor from day one.. with the most amazing, beautiful blue eyes - just like her Mum.
I met Alex at her in-laws house, she very proudly showed me her bike.. I couldn't help but laugh (neither could Alex!) her bike was tiny .. a mini white bike - whereas mine is a much larger white bike! We got the bikes in the Oxo Cube and headed off to Bowness on Solway - Alex had another new lesson - how to take the front wheel off her bike. Unfortunately when we took it out of the car the front brake had come out it's holder.. we struggled for ages trying to fix it - but to be honest we hadn't a clue!! As it was flat we decided the rear wheel brakes would be sufficient.. it was a lovely evening and (unlike the last time I did it) there was no wind :-)
The sun was glinting on the sands and the few remaining puddles when we set off, the sweet scent of the gorse filled the air and overhead flocks of Barnacle Geese flew.. although Alex thought there call was my phone ringing!!
For her birthday I bought her a Buff .. to stop her swallowing quite so many flies!! We decided it was one Trudy would have approved of!! Trudy always amused our lecturer when we were doing our Garden Design course as she would be completely colour co-ordinated (even down to her secateurs!) and often wore pink - and/or animal prints!!
We had a lovely ride.. chattering as we went - it was nice to discuss Cuba and our planned events and training..
Alex is really working hard at her cycling and from going from nothing at all she's now happily cycling 15 miles (or was it more???).. I must get my map and string out - my Cyclemeter App stated 14.85 miles but one of the books I have says the route is 18 miles!!! We opted to believe the 15 - whatever it was a lovely ride.. and I look forward to more together in the future :-)
I am 'The Cuba Lady'!!!
Woke up on Saturday.. looked out of the window - there was a heavy dew and the mist was laying in the valley bottom, the sunlight was casting it's first rays over the hills .. it was one of those mornings full of promise and (although I was meeting Alex for a ride later in the day) I just knew I had to get out and make the most of the morning..
I decided to head down to the bike shop Bike Seven in Longtown for some Green Slime and to get my mud guard adjusted - since squashing it into a bag to get it into my Fiat it rubbed the front tyre rather annoyingly - it could be stopped with the assistance of a small stone.. but I thought there might be a more technical solution!!
The first test when within a mile of leaving the house (after a relatively short hill), is whether to go up a long, steep hill (knowing the effort it'll take when I've only just got going!!) or go straight on and drop slowly down hill. I never quite know what I'll do till I get to the exit, despite have a great internal debate with myself.. the bike seems to decide for me!! This morning (as more often lately) it took the harder option.. I must admit I always feel better for it and it puts me in a better frame of mind for the rest of my ride..
I found a lovely different route down country lanes to Longtown.. very Spring like.. lambs in the fields, leaves bursting forth .. and in the distance I could see the cloud over the Lake District hills, Criffel looked pretty clear and the sun was shining over Solway - promising for my cylce with Alex later.
My visit to the bike shop was very sucessful and I bought some Green Slime for my tyres - sounds miracle stuff... I also bought a small mirror for my bike (which they kindly fitted) - invaluable for seeing what's coming up behind me.. feel much safer!! Whilst I was chatting outside the shop a man came up and asked me if I was 'The Cuba Lady', on confirmation he handed me £10 and wished me Good Luck .. astonishing!! It was a wonderful moment .. I was left speechless - I'm astonished how generous the majority of people are.. I guess (sadly) cancer touches a lot of peoples lives..
I cycled home a different route - making a nice 25 mile circuit.. so good to be out and looking forward to seeing Alex later for another ride!!
I decided to head down to the bike shop Bike Seven in Longtown for some Green Slime and to get my mud guard adjusted - since squashing it into a bag to get it into my Fiat it rubbed the front tyre rather annoyingly - it could be stopped with the assistance of a small stone.. but I thought there might be a more technical solution!!
The first test when within a mile of leaving the house (after a relatively short hill), is whether to go up a long, steep hill (knowing the effort it'll take when I've only just got going!!) or go straight on and drop slowly down hill. I never quite know what I'll do till I get to the exit, despite have a great internal debate with myself.. the bike seems to decide for me!! This morning (as more often lately) it took the harder option.. I must admit I always feel better for it and it puts me in a better frame of mind for the rest of my ride..
I found a lovely different route down country lanes to Longtown.. very Spring like.. lambs in the fields, leaves bursting forth .. and in the distance I could see the cloud over the Lake District hills, Criffel looked pretty clear and the sun was shining over Solway - promising for my cylce with Alex later.
My visit to the bike shop was very sucessful and I bought some Green Slime for my tyres - sounds miracle stuff... I also bought a small mirror for my bike (which they kindly fitted) - invaluable for seeing what's coming up behind me.. feel much safer!! Whilst I was chatting outside the shop a man came up and asked me if I was 'The Cuba Lady', on confirmation he handed me £10 and wished me Good Luck .. astonishing!! It was a wonderful moment .. I was left speechless - I'm astonished how generous the majority of people are.. I guess (sadly) cancer touches a lot of peoples lives..
I cycled home a different route - making a nice 25 mile circuit.. so good to be out and looking forward to seeing Alex later for another ride!!
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