Amazingly after weeks of torrential rain and planning the need for an ark we awoke to a gloriously sunny and pleasant morning. So after a bacon sandwich and cups of coffee we were ready to set off but only after I had mastered the art of fitting Jeans bike computer.
We set of down on my normal route towards Broompark picnic area to start off along the Lanchester route, Jean was nervous of her knee and after 3 weeks of inactivity due to bad weather I wasn't feeling capable of attempting anything harder.
The route was nice and the weather was good, but after reaching Lanchester we continued on to Consett and I found this bit particularly hard as it was a contiuous mild incline, I just kept thinking about the amazing downhill section which must have been about to come at any went on and on until we decided to stop for a quick Lucozade sweet and cereal bar as I was shaking and struggling :-( Jean took some amazing pictures along the route and after getting a boost of energy (those sweets are amazing, I MUST stock up!!)
We pushed on, eventually the amazing downhill section came and at the bottom we were lucky enough to find a beautiful little farm cafe, it may have been little but it was packed Im not surprised as inside there was the most astounding array of local cheeses, fresh meat, fresh vegetables and local produce it was amazing!! The food looked totally astounding and mouth wateringly good, so we stopped for lunch, it even had bike racks so it must have been fate ;-) Jean kindly treated me and we both ate a plate of fresh ham, beef and chicken with local cheeses and freshly made bread it was light and filling, just what we needed........Jean also bought us a cheeky fruity scone to pack in our bags for later on in the journey, It tasted divine :-) so Thank you :-) xx
The closer to home we got, the more tired I was getting and all I wanted to do was get home, have a nice bath and chill.........I got home to the welcome of hubby wanting me to load heavy stuff into the car to go to the tip, a mass of dirty dises, toys everywhere and the whole neighborhood of kids playing in and out of my garden (hubbys idea of looking after them!) and I had a total tantrum, through tiredness. Thankfully Jean put everything back into perspective made me a cup of coffee and made me realise the kids were the most important thing (and they were fine!) and the house could wait until tommorow (today!) probably the best idea since I was having extra kids overnight and all of my work would have been undone anyway :-) Did I mention I got a tad muddy :-)
I managed to settle all 7 kids by 10pm and was looking forward to settling in my cozy bed for the night but my knees were agony and after the 3rd lot of deep heat I resorted to 2.35am when hubby returned home from a jolly in Durham with is best friend and long time friend he was extremely worse for wear and very loud! At 4am I retreated to bed with Co-codamol taking its effect, only to be woken at 5.30 am with excited kids waking from their sleepover and ready to play :-/ anyhow I got up and amazingly I am not stiff or sore today and very happy with my achievements!
I just need to master the art of not having a perfectly tidy house when leaving hubby in charge of the kids with many more long rides to come :-) Wonder whether hubbys head will hurt when he finally makes it out of bed.......bacon and eggs at the ready :-)
It was a really good day.. I enjoyed it too - looking forward to the next outing xx